Tag: Sell a home

How Important is Digital Marketing Tools for Real Estate Advertising? iconwht

How Important are Digital Marketing Tools for Real Estate Advertising?      

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Digital marketing has completely changed our business. For example, when I started in real estate 35 years ago, the only option for marketing properties for sale was in the newspapers. The Tico Times was the only newspaper for English-language clients in those days. So every English-speaking person in Costa Rica…

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6 Top reasons foreign homeowners sell their property in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes In North America, homeowners move 11.7 times in their lifetime. In Costa Rica, there are no statistics on this. We are not very good at statistics at all. My educated guess is twice or three times at the most. Ticos (I’m sorry to be generalizing) usually move when they get…

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5 Solutions to handle your property in a divorce in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Have you been stuck with your spouse and 2 small kids during the corona vires pandemic and now you’re planning to file for divorce? Maybe your marriage wasn’t doing well and the pandemic is the last drop that makes the bucket overflow? Then this blog might clear up some issues…

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