Tag: Property


Costa Rican Southern Pacific rewarding property investment opportunities

This article about the rewarding property investment opportunities in the Southern Pacific of Costa Rica was originally published in June 2010. Daveed Hollander, our affiliate partner for the Southern Pacific coast published several important articles about property investment opportunities over the years. For that reason, we decided to republish this important article. Today, in 2013,…

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How difficult can buying property in Costa Rica be?

Buying property in Costa Rica can be as difficult or as easy as you want to make it. What makes the difference between heartache and satisfaction in the property-buying process? Some good ideas I can come up with some interesting ideas for buying property: Invest in income producing property or commercial property such as Vacation Rental, bed and breakfast or a…

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Is It Immoral To Make Money This Easily in Costa Rica real estate?

Do you want to make money? Buy Costa Rica real estate with your IRA or 401K portfolio and even in your Canadian Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). You have your money in the wrong place! Think of your retirement now. You can make money in Costa Rica real estate. Make between 6 – 8% return on your investment (ROI) and…

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