Living Costa Rica

a Costa Rica real estate blog


Avoiding the main construction safety pitfalls

Construction safety is not taken very seriously in Costa Rica. The word ‘pitfall’ is particularly appropriate in the construction industry, where falling into an open pit is one of the genuine risks faced by some contractors. While many people might associate the word itself with the risk of a collapsing mine shaft, it actually dates…

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Senior citizen discount program in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has an amazing Senior Citizen Discount program. In my blog “what do Costa Rica expats want” I suggested a 65+ program for retirees without knowing such a program already existed. Other countries like Panama do have a senior citizen discount program widely advertised but the Costa Rican government advertises their program only to…

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Why use a corporation to purchase real estate in Costa Rica?

To use a corporation to purchase real estate in Costa Rica is a pretty common way. The purchase transaction usually goes through a shelf corporation or newly constituted one, called an S.A. For many years, attorneys recommended foreigners to use a corporation to purchase real estate for several reasons. Those clients took the recommendation so…

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Costa Rican Southern Pacific rewarding property investment opportunities

This article about the rewarding property investment opportunities in the Southern Pacific of Costa Rica was originally published in June 2010. Daveed Hollander, our affiliate partner for the Southern Pacific coast published several important articles about property investment opportunities over the years. For that reason, we decided to republish this important article. Today, in 2013,…

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International Healthcare Insurance that is accepted in Costa Ricaiconwht

International Healthcare Insurance that is accepted in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes The private hospitals in Costa Rica accept quite a few international healthcare insurance. If you plan to move here soon, you want to search for options for international healthcare insurance as part of your due diligence process. Medicare cannot be used here; therefore, you must find other options. If you…

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Can U.S. Citizens Living in Costa Rica enjoy Medicare Benefitsiconwht

Can U.S. Citizens Living in Costa Rica enjoy Medicare Benefits

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Can U.S. citizens enjoy their Medicare Benefits after moving to Costa Rica? What options are there for health care insurance? Deciding to move to another country requires a lot of due diligence. Checking if your existing medical insurance covers you outside your home country is very important. Many expats move…

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Hacienda Pinilla Luxury homes and condos

Hacienda Pinilla luxury community is the finest real estate community on the northern shores of Guanacaste, near Tamarindo Beach. Here, you can find choice beach and golf property in Costa Rica. Hacienda Pinilla Luxury Beach Resort and Residential Community is a private, master-planned residential community of luxury homes and condos in Guanacaste. Our affiliate partner…

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Sustainable shopping in Eco Center Santa Ana

Sustainable shopping is now available for those who are looking for green products, on the west-side of San Jose. Commercial growth is turning Santa Ana little by little into a real city, showing a stable Costa Rica real estate market. You find entrepreneurs investing in new businesses everywhere. Therefore, I wasn’t surprised to find the…

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