Category: Moving to Costa Rica


Legal Due Diligence Seminar Before Moving to Costa Rica

Don’t “fall on your face”, like so many who moved to Costa Rica before you, when buying or renting a property. Protect yourself, your family, and your money. Learn about everything you should NOT do when you buy, or rent a property in Costa Rica. Participating in this legal due diligence seminar is the best…

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Is Resident Registration of home address necessary in Costa Rica?

A participant in Christopher Howard’s Live in Costa Rica Tour asked me if Resident Registration of home address necessary in Costa Rica. Chris and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing: great question! It’s really something I never thought about because home addresses are so messy here. It’s so bad, that if…

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6 Steps for Proper Pet Travel Preparation before Flying

Angela Passman, a long-time supporter of the American European real estate network wrote an interesting article about proper pet travel on her Linkedin account. Thank you for allowing to use your article, Angela! Flying with your dog can be stressful and proper pet travel is important. Here is a 6-step checklist to prepare for property…

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Before you commit to a Costa Rica home purchase, test the commute

Wouldn’t you first test the commute before buying a home in Costa Rica? Well, you should! Of course, before you purchase a Costa Rica home for sale, you should do your due diligence.  There are several important issues that should be taken into account when you do and one is the commute. Will you be commuting…

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Will Internet Access Become a Constitutional Right in Costa Rica?

We cannot live without internet access anymore, not even in Costa Rica. In the last few years, Costa Rica has become well known as a luxury paradise that appeals to many people all over the world. Tourists and residents can enjoy a relaxed lifestyle, spectacular beaches, and lush tropical landscaping. Currently, Costa Rican lawmakers are…

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I am sorry, Costa Rica rentals might not include appliances

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes When searching for Costa Rica rentals, you might assume the home appliances will be included. They probably are not, unless you rent a furnished and equipped home. Are you interested in knowing more about renting with and without home appliances in Costa Rica rentals? Then you can ask a knowledgeable…

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