Category: Costa Rica Real Estate Topics


Where to buy vacation rental property in Costa Rica in 7 steps

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes If you’re starting your due diligence on where to buy vacation rental property in Costa Rica, you have arrived at the right place. When you buy a vacation home for yourself, for your use, you will be looking for a product that you and your family are interested in having.…

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How to calculate investment property asking price correctly when selling?

Often, sellers do not know how to calculate investment property asking price when they want to sell the property. Or they calculate it totally wrong and the property takes years to sell. A savvy investor will only buy a property with a great return on the investment, right? Just this week, we received the request…

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The solution to your Costa Rican corporation problems

You might not even know you have Costa Rican corporation problems, especially if your corporation owns property in Costa Rica. Or if you own a corporation and are not a citizen or resident. Above all, you don’t want to lose your assets in CostaRica because you are not up to date with your legal obligations, don’t…

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Current Considerations for Incorporating a Company When Buying Property in 2019

I started practicing law in Costa Rica in 2003. At the time, incorporating, or not incorporating a company in Costa Rica to hold real property and other assets, was a straight forward decision. Property buyers were Incorporating a Company for basically 3 reasons: 1. Limited liability aspect afforded by the corporate structure. 2. Anonymity afforded…

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Real Estate FAQ | What is a real estate purchase option in Costa Rica?

What is a real estate purchase option and when is it needed? Who writes up this purchase agreement? What should be in this contract? Is it legally binding? A real estate purchase option is a contract where the seller gives the buyer the exclusive right to purchase a specific piece of property. The contract stipulates…

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Look for the local knowledge when buying real estate in Costa Rica

No one in the Costa Rica real estate market can take our place when it comes to sharing local knowledge and expertise. That’s why we publish our weekly blogs. It’s embarrassing to see so much wrong information published by many real estate websites because they lack local knowledge. Many years ago, I took on the…

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6 Promises by Residential real estate developers that should worry buyers

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Residential real estate developers and builders in Costa Rica make promises quite easily.  That’s because promises are easily made, as long as the sale is made, right! A buyer often cannot even start to imagine how difficult those promises are to fulfill. Especially in a buyer’s market, when you will…

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