What was the reason Barry Ashworth of Coronado Realty, Kjersten van Horn of Tucan Realty and I started the American European Real Estate Group Costa Rica in 1996? We wanted to have an organization with agents who know where the Costa Rica real estate bones were buried.
That was the only way we could help our clients better than anyone else. We did all we could to find the top real estate agents who specialize in an area of Costa Rica. Over the years, we’ve been able to find 30, they form our Costa Rica MLS..
And there are still lots of Costa Rica real estate agents who sell real estate all over the country, which compares to one realtor selling in the whole State of Florida. To be able to tell where the Costa Rica real estate bones are buried when hunting for property, you need to be a knowledgeable agent. The agent needs to have a good connection with the locals. The locals are the ones who know where a deal is coming up or when a neighbor is having a hard time to pay his bills.
You want an agent with an encyclopedic knowledge of the marketplace? 20 Years ago, there were about 20 Costa Rica real estate agents in the whole country. Now we have 30 affiliate agents just in our network. Our MLS network allows us to find out for you where the Costa Rica real estate bones are buried because all our agents have that encyclopedic knowledge of their marketplace.

Learn more about the hottest suburbs in Costa Rica in 2015
Pocket listings
All our agents have their own pocket listings that we are not allowed to advertise on our website. But we know they are for sale and at what cost. We also know the owners of properties who are not really in the market, but might be willing to sell for the right price. That, if you have very particular needs for a certain property. AND our agents work together with other agents in the same area, so we are able to find out for you where the bones are buried.
The Advantages
The 12 advantages of knowing where the Costa Rica real estate bones are buried are
1. Knowing where the next real estate hotspots will be.
2. Having listed and sold certain properties several times, so there is a detailed knowledge of the properties in the area.
3. Knowing the neighbors and their properties.
4. What the zoning restrictions and any other restrictions are.
5. If there are squatters in the area or not.
6. Where the earthquake fault lines run.
7. Where the flooding areas are.
8. Where the landslides happen.

Where do the flood disasters happen and where are the fault lines?
9. What soil composition the area has and if it’s necessary to take that into account when construction starts.
11. Where there are water shortage problems.
12. Other important facts you probably didn’t know about.
Only years of experience will teach you all the above. And there are not too many expert Costa Rica real estate agents around.
When you are accompanied by a real estate agent in a shopping mall and everyone says hi to the agent, you know you have found the one that knows where the Costa Rica real estate bones are buried.
Contact us now to connect with the most knowledgeable Costa Rica real estate agents.