Are you reading this on your cell phone or iPad? If you are, you will see that our MLS is fully mobile friendly. You will still be able to use your desktop or laptop computer to look for real estate and read our articles.
Google has been warning website owners that the growing percentage of mobile users obliges them to start punishing websites that are not mobile user-friendly in their Google rankings.
Every website owner would love to have their ranking high enough to score #1 on Google when users search for their product. If you search on Google with the keywords “Costa Rica real estate”, you will probably find that those websites on the first page do continuous work on their site to stay in those top positions.
It’s not because I pay Google to be in that top position or just because someone at Google likes my website better than my competitor. There is a lot more to it.
Why is it important the MLS is fully mobile?
First of all, we found out that almost half our users surf our website from a mobile device. They will find that the MLS is fully mobile. Why wouldn’t we try to make them happy? But at the same time, we want those users who are still on a desktop or a laptop, to visit us too. Most Google users only click on the first 10 positions. They then will stay on a website that is user-friendly. And more importantly, stay on those that have interesting information to share with you, the buyer. In the eyes of Mr. Google, having a mobile-friendly website, starting April 21st, 2015, is a huge step forward in communications. More important to us is the fact that you will be able to surf our site from your phone because the MLS is fully mobile.

Are you reading this on your cell phone or iPad? If you are, you will see that the MLS is fully mobile.
Why does our Google top ranking matter?
Why worry about a Google top ranking so much? Because of what Google calls “the Zero Moment of Truth”. In the span of a single month, Google answers over 100 billion searches. The ubiquity of smartphones means that ZMOT is no longer defined by a single discrete moment (“when I open my laptop and search”). Instead, it’s an integral part of the constantly connected consumer’s entire day.
We, at the American European real estate group, have been trying to make sure the MLS is fully mobile. Our website has been responsive or mobile friendly for quite a while. We have seen lots of advantages to it. Most importantly, our users seem to be happy because the MLS is fully mobile. Meanwhile, we have maintained our top positions in Google as usual.
I am not a statistics guy at all, and I’m easily bored with statistics. But it’s unbelievable that now Google Analytics tells us everything we want to know about your preferences as a website user.

Google Analytics tells us everything we want to know about your preferences as website user
Allow me to show you some interesting data
• We can see, for example, that 41.93% of our website traffic is mobile and tablet traffic. While 23.71% is mobile phone traffic. I can only say WOW, who could have imagined that! Almost half of our users now surf our site from a phone or tablet and not from their computer.
• Of 77,866 pages our clients view in one month, 24,932 are seen by you on your phone or tablet. This shows that users of a phone or tablet simply read fewer articles or look at fewer properties in Costa Rica.
• While our visitors stay on average for 6.09 minutes on our website, those using Mobile or Tablet (combined) stay for 4.65 minutes while those on a phone stay only 3.82 minutes, which shows that tablet users read more and phone users read less information on our website.
• Those on a iOS operating system (iPhone and iPad) are 62.78% of our visitors, those on an Android (Samsung or other) are 32.45%, those on a Windows system 4.27% and those on a Blackberry 0.43%. There are some other systems not worth mentioning.
English language website
This morning, a reader stopped me when I was walking out of the gym, to ask me where I get the topics to write a blog several times a week. I’ll leave the answer for another day. But this reader also asked if Ticos use our English language website. Well, 26% of our unique visitors are in Costa Rica, but I cannot see what nationality they have and what their nationality is (yet).
The American European real estate network is a group of independent brokers specializing in assisting clients from the U.S., Europe, Russia and Asia buy real estate in Costa Rica with up to two thousand real estate listings on our database. As our slogan says, we do “real estate the right way” and offer you offices from coast to coast.
No matter if you are on a phone, a tablet a laptop or a desktop computer, if you’re interested in buying or renting Costa Rica property, contact us now.
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While we’re at it, I DO want to remind our readers that we appreciate any referrals you can send us. Finally, please remember the American-European real estate Group’s agents when you refer a real estate agent. Because we DO appreciate your business.