Do you know what a Guanabana is? Weird word, right!
It won’t kill you to shop somewhere other than Pricemart and AutoMercado, I promise! Now there is nothing wrong with either of these fine establishments. In fact, for some of those foods from home that we just can’t do without, it’s the only place to go. I have yet to find a local store that carries Double Stuf Oreos!
Far too often I run across people that complain about the food prices here and they all have one thing in common. They shop primarily or solely in the “Gringo Stores“. Now I understand it can take a while to become comfortable with new brands and new foods. The adventure is well worth it.
The discovery of guanabana was by far one of the best things that have ever happened to me. The guanabana juice is amazing in a smoothie and the “Nieve” by Pops is dessert for the family quite often. Try buying a few things like the guanabana from your local “super”.
Not only will you begin the journey into trying new brands and foods, but its one way to start your integration into the community. It is nice when the lady at the store knows your family and you will be supporting local business! It’s a win-win.
There are also really good deals on fruits and veggies from street vendors. I know that some of you are thinking ” I don’t know where that street stuff comes from! I’m not eating it”.
Think for a moment, do you really know where they got that stuff in the store? All of it comes from the dirt anyway. Just rinse it off. I have found that the products offered by the street vendor are usually fresher. Better quality at a better price, what could be better!
If you have a bit of space and time why not try to plant a few things. The earth here is fertile and to watch something grow is an experience unto itself.
So I implore you to broaden your horizons and shop around! We are here in this beautiful country that has a bounty of wonderful food and drink. Let’s immerse ourselves in all of the glorious flavors of Costa Rica!
The Author
Antoinette Kelley, her husband Nathan and her eldest son moved to Costa Rica in November 2009 and had her 2nd child in Costa Rica. They live in Alajuela, on a very nice property they have bought through an American European real estate Group affiliate real estate agent.
They have adjusted extremely well to the lifestyle in Costa Rica. Antoinette tells us about her experiences now and then. If you would like to follow Antoinette’s stories about being an expat in Costa Rica on her blog Pseudotico, feel free to visit her.
If you like the idea of living in Costa Rica just like Antoinette and her family, contact us now.
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