Category: Costa Rica Living


Is Married Filing your US tax return an option when marrying a Costa Rican?

Should you select Married Filing Jointly or Married Filing Separately when marrying a Costa Rican? It has become common for US Persons to find love abroad. You’ll often hear of an American moving to Costa Rica and marrying a young Tico or Tica. A U.S. citizen or permanent resident needs to consider a few tax…

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Getting a Canadian Authenticated Marriage Certificate

Ever tried to get an authenticated marriage certificate from your home country? Well, I had to, and here is the story. Last week, I told you about the renovation of my Caja carnet in Costa Rica and the need for delivering an authenticated marriage certificate from my home country, Canada. I have found a way of obtaining…

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INS Medical Private Health Insurance in Costa Ricaiconwht

INS Medical Private Health Insurance in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Public Health insurance is mandatory for foreign residents (CAJA), but private health insurance is also available. If you move to Costa Rica and get your legal residency, you will also have to apply for the C.C.S.S. The C.C.S.S. is the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social or the Costarican Department of…

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Senior citizen discount program in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has an amazing Senior Citizen Discount program. In my blog “what do Costa Rica expats want” I suggested a 65+ program for retirees without knowing such a program already existed. Other countries like Panama do have a senior citizen discount program widely advertised but the Costa Rican government advertises their program only to…

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