Category: Costa Rica Living


Ticos returning home find adjusting difficult in Costa Rica

If you are Costa Rican and left Costa Rica several decades ago, you will find adjusting difficult when you return.  You probably think that returning home for your retirement is pretty easy. Well, let me assure you it’s not and adjusting is difficult, much more than you’ll expect. Costa Rica, like all other countries, has…

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Can You Retire on Social Security in Costa Rica?iconwht

Can You Retire on Social Security in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 10 Minutes Is it possible to retire on social security in Costa Rica and live comfortably? Retirees on U.S. Social Security, or Canadians on the Canada Pension Plan, seem to be attracted to moving to our beautiful country (I, too, hate cold winters!) I often receive emails from future retirees asking if…

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7 Secrets to drinking Costa Rican coffee the right way

I’ve asked the coffee experts to write an awesome article about the secrets to drinking Costa Rican Coffee the right way. And they did! Let me tell you something, Costa Rican coffee is nothing short of excellent. And that should come as no surprise, as there are literally tens of thousands of small-scale coffee farmers…

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All about Public and Private Healthcare in Costa Ricaiconwht

All about Public and Private Healthcare in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 minutes Will you be in trouble paying for expensive public and private healthcare as soon as you retire? Ivo Henfling of the American-European Real Estate Group gets loads of daily emails. Clients always ask for more information on healthcare in Costa Rica, so he asked me to help with this. Good…

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