Category: Costa Rica Living


Why do students regularly need a professional writer during college?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes A student is not a professional writer, which is often a stumbling block during college. Students frequently are unable to deliver high-quality work that matches their institutional demands. They face multiple writing challenges that are fundamental in school. Some of the reasons that make it hard for college students to…

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8 Educational Tips for Students to Top in Examsiconwht

8 Educational Tips for Students to Top in Exams

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Here, you’ll find 8 educational tips for your children to use when they study in a Costa Rican school or college. Learning has many challenges that can make students distracted and demotivated. For instance, the need to perform better than their classmates can easily lead to stress.  It’s easier to order…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes No matter what you plan to do with your life after high school, taking the decision to study abroad will benefit you. No matter if you go for a semester or enroll directly in a foreign university for all four years. This incredible experience will change you profoundly. The experience…

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3 Important Income Tax Consequences when living in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Living in Costa Rica might have important income tax consequences for you if you’re a taxpayer in the United States. Americans are increasingly choosing to relocate to destinations like Costa Rica. Data collected by in 2019 show that over 12,000 registered U.S. retirees and ex-pats prefer to live in…

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6 Top Costa Rican Expat Destinations near Nature

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes If you plan to be an expat in Costa Rica soon, you’d want to pick one of the destinations near Nature. Costa Rica is a renowned expat-friendly destination famous for its stunning sceneries, beautiful beaches, and hospitable people. It has been claimed that the lifestyle in the region is quite…

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Legal Due Diligence Seminar Before Moving to Costa Rica

Don’t “fall on your face”, like so many who moved to Costa Rica before you, when buying or renting a property. Protect yourself, your family, and your money. Learn about everything you should NOT do when you buy, or rent a property in Costa Rica. Participating in this legal due diligence seminar is the best…

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Is Resident Registration of home address necessary in Costa Rica?

A participant in Christopher Howard’s Live in Costa Rica Tour asked me if Resident Registration of home address necessary in Costa Rica. Chris and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thing: great question! It’s really something I never thought about because home addresses are so messy here. It’s so bad, that if…

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