Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes
It is not always easy to stay happy in Costa Rica, and for anyone from a different culture, moving to paradise can be a little hard at times. Moving to another country can be exciting but also challenging. After over 45 years of “almost” complete happiness, I still live in Costa Rica. And I still have some difficult days. My son Andres, born and raised in Costa Rica, made me aware of it a couple of days ago, the reason for this blog. We all have bad days sometimes; when that happens, many start picking on the locals.
This was on a Friday when I realized I should have stayed in bed. I’m sure you all know the feeling. Moving to paradise means a lot of good things, a lot of great things, and some less good things. Today is a day full of bad things, so I feel I should help future expats overcome days like this. So, I decided to tell you about my 18 steps to stay happy.
If you plan on buying Costa Rican real estate at some point, think of our real estate network. We help you through the most challenging part of your move to Costa Rica: buying property and adjusting to this other culture.
Below are 18 steps to staying happy in Costa Rica, though some of you will surely have more steps than that.
1. Waking Up
When you get up in the morning, open the curtains, look outside, and thank yourself for making the big step of relocating to Costa Rica.
2. At Breakfast
For breakfast, get all those delicious & fresh fruits and a cup of that robust Costa Rican coffee from Atenas.
3. When You Leave Home
Before going out on any diligence, remember why you live in Costa Rica and like it so much. Remember all the positive things Costa Rica has to offer, so the negative stuff of the day will not seem important.
4. Take a Book
Don’t forget to bring a book when going to immigration to renew your residency papers, or Conavi to renew your driver’s license.
5. Get Money
Don’t try to pick up money from Western Union in the morning; they won’t have any. Get your cash when you know they have received enough deposits that day.
6. Go To The Bank
When you need to go to any bank for money matters, remember the employees are not there to help you; they are there to make money for their boss.
7. Buy Bread
Don’t ask the baker why today’s bread didn’t rise; you will get an answer like “It is too cold today.” If you ask him when he’ll have fresh bread again, he’ll say “maybe tomorrow”.
8. Internet Banking
Please don’t ask your Scotiabank (or other bank in Costa Rica) customer service why their website is not in English; they want to ensure you won’t be able to do Internet banking. Only then can they charge you $1 for each diligence. See point 6.
9. Your Appointments
Confirm your appointments before you leave home, whether with the doctor, the dentist, or real estate agent. This allows no more no-shows. Bring a book anyway; Tico time is a big thing here.
10. Your Car
Find a good car mechanic and have him do the Dekra vehicle inspection for you; don’t try to do it yourself.
11. Cable TV & Internet
Don’t accept promotions from Cable TV or Internet providers; you’ll be stuck with a problem that will take you to hell and back.
12. Employees
Don’t try to make a service company or store employee understand what you are asking for; if they were interested in answering you, they’d be CEO of that company or run for President.
13. Embrace the Culture
Costa Ricans speak Spanish. When they speak English, they do you a favor. Learning the language makes daily life easier and helps you feel more included. Try local food, festivals, and traditions; there is so much of it, and it’s fun!
14. Logic
Logic is not logical; at least, your logic is not. People in Costa Rica think differently than you do. This doesn’t make them stupid. When you live in Costa Rica, you’ll learn how this works.
15. Stay Connected
Keep in touch with family and friends through video calls and messages. Make new friends locally to build a support system.
16. Explore Your Surroundings
Visit new places, even in the city you have moved to. Remember why you moved here, so treat it like an adventure to make the experience exciting.
17. Find a Community
Join local groups or expat communities. Attend meetups, clubs, or events to connect with like-minded people. Learn what to do before you’re bored stiff.
18. Ready To Kill?
When you’re strung out or ready to kill someone, think about all those poor suckers back home who are not enjoying life as much as you do.
Live by the rules
I try to live by these 18 rules. I’m a lot happier, as happy as the locals go through life; they call it Pura Vida. It’s not perfect, but was the life where you were living before perfect? I doubt it.
Contact us if you feel like taking the big step toward buying a property when you live in Costa Rica. We will ensure you get to step 18 and are very happy about it. You might not realize it, but we need your help to keep Costa Rica in the #1 position on the Happy Planet next year so we can all stay happy!
Image by freepik, Image by drobotdean on Freepik, Image by cookie_studio on Freepik, and Image by diana.grytsku on Freepik