Is a Free Trade Zone Warehouse or Office in Costa Rica for you?iconwht

Is a Free Trade Zone Warehouse or Office in Costa Rica for you?

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Be well-informed about the free trade zone and its locations before renting or purchasing a warehouse or office space in Costa Rica. In this article, you will find the advantages and disadvantages of being in a Free Trade Zone or “Zona Franca” in Costa Rica. Let’s first tell you what…

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Maritime zoning for Costa Rica beach front propertyiconwht

Maritime zoning for Costa Rica beach front property

Costa Rica beachfront property and maritime zoning are regulated by Law N° 6043 and its Regulations. If you want to buy Costa Rica beachfront property, first read this article. Then, if you still have questions, contact a real estate lawyer specializing in concessions. Maritime zoning In a nutshell, this is how maritime zoning functions: The…

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IRA Limitations when you buy Costa Rica real estateiconwht

IRA Limitations when you buy Costa Rica real estate

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes Yes, you can invest your Self-directed IRA in property in Costa Rica, but IRA limitations can be a downside. Before using your retirement funds to invest in property, you must do some due diligence. Often, custodians of self-directed IRAs will tell you it’s impossible to invest your funds in a…

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Closing costs on Costa Rica property, how to calculate and who paysiconwht

Closing costs on Costa Rica property, how to calculate and who pays

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes The Costa Rica closing costs when purchasing or selling a property is just under 4% of the purchase price. When you research, you will find blogs that say 3.5% and others even less. Learn in this article about closing costs, how to calculate them, and who pays for them. It…

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