4 Important Post-Closing Issues in Real Estate Transactionsiconwht

4 Important Post-Closing Issues in Real Estate Transactions

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes The real estate agent, the closing attorney, and the buyer often forget about post-closing issues. Buyers usually assume these post-closing issues happen automatically. Well, in Costa Rica, nothing goes automatically. These post-closing issues seem so simple, and they are. You only have to wait until the property you bought shows as…

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6 Reasons why you might NOT want to Live in a Condominiumiconwht

6 Reasons why you might NOT want to Live in a Condominium

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes To live in a condominium in Costa Rica is not for everyone. Some love the security and amenities you have when living in a condominium. Others want more privacy and don’t want to pay for security and amenities. Therefore, before purchasing a property in a gated community, you should decide…

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HOA in some Costa Rican gated communities is not legaliconwht

HOA in some Costa Rican gated communities is not legal

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Is an HOA or Homeowner Association legal in Costa Rican gated communities? The short answer is yes if the gated community is legally constituted in the National Register as a condominium. In a legally constituted condominium, the common areas are shared by all the owners of the properties within this…

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Do I really need a Property Inspection in Costa Rica?iconwht

Do I really need a Property Inspection in Costa Rica?

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes Property buyers often wonder if they need a property inspection and why they should bother. If you’ve never bought a property here, you probably don’t know that it’s not common to inspect a property before you purchase it. Costa Rican buyers do not have any inspection done unless they feel…

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14 Tips on how to prevent rain damage to your propertyiconwht

14 Tips on how to prevent rain damage to your property

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes How necessary is knowing everything about rain damage before you purchase property in Costa Rica, and how can you prevent it? The rainy season in Costa Rica starts in May and ends in November. The heaviest rainfall occurs during September, October, and part of November. So, yes, it rains quite…

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