
16 Important Condominium Terms English – Spanish used in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 4 Minutes If you’re an expat, you might not be very familiar with condominium terms used in Costa Rica. You’ll want to know them before you buy one. Condominiums are becoming more and more popular for buyers, for various reasons. Living in a condominium is not for everyone. You might think you’ll…

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3 Important Income Tax Consequences when living in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 5 Minutes Living in Costa Rica might have important income tax consequences for you if you’re a taxpayer in the United States. Americans are increasingly choosing to relocate to destinations like Costa Rica. Data collected by Datosmacro.com in 2019 show that over 12,000 registered U.S. retirees and ex-pats prefer to live in…

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Why Investments with Potential are better than the ROI in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 10 Minutes Be creative, start looking for an investment with potential and opportunity, and not for a 12% return on an investment property in Costa Rica. Most investors looking to purchase a property in Costa Rica look for immediate Return Of Investment (ROI). Preferably of at least 12%. Well, there is a…

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5 Solutions to handle your property in a divorce in Costa Rica

Estimated Reading Time: 6 Minutes Have you been stuck with your spouse and 2 small kids during the corona vires pandemic and now you’re planning to file for divorce? Maybe your marriage wasn’t doing well and the pandemic is the last drop that makes the bucket overflow? Then this blog might clear up some issues…

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