Author: Guest Blogger


Getting a Canadian Authenticated Marriage Certificate

Ever tried to get an authenticated marriage certificate from your home country? Well, I had to, and here is the story. Last week, I told you about the renovation of my Caja carnet in Costa Rica and the need for delivering an authenticated marriage certificate from my home country, Canada. I have found a way of obtaining…

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Elimination of Steel in a Costa Rica Home Structure

A Costa Rica home structure needs to be strong enough to withstand the earthquakes. Nonetheless, it is possible to eliminate steel and to use a green solution. Laminated Wood or Bamboo beams for rafters and joists. These are a far superior solution for structural needs when building a Costa Rica home, that although be it…

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Electrical Installations in Costa Rica real estate

Should you trust the electrical installations of the home you’re planning to purchase? When buying a home in Costa Rica, you can expect a different electrical system in the home than you are used to. We install electric outlets to enable our appliances, lamps, computer equipment, etc to work for our convenience. In most new…

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Avoiding the main construction safety pitfalls

Construction safety is not taken very seriously in Costa Rica. The word ‘pitfall’ is particularly appropriate in the construction industry, where falling into an open pit is one of the genuine risks faced by some contractors. While many people might associate the word itself with the risk of a collapsing mine shaft, it actually dates…

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Atenas Heritage Festival – Atenas of Yesteryear

Learn all about the first Atenas Heritage Festival. On Saturday, 23 March, an event was held on the Campo Ferial fairground at the retirement home – Hogar de Ancianos to honor and display the first Atenas heritage festival with proceeds benefiting the Hogar de Ancianos. Would you like to cooperate with their local community? Going to…

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Tips on Learning Spanish Before You Arrive in Costa Rica

Learning Spanish, or at least the basics, is a must before you arrive in Costa Rica. Traveling to another country is always an exciting adventure full of new sights, sounds, and experiences. However, this experience can be challenging due to the sometimes subtle, and sometimes obvious differences in culture. Add in an unfamiliar language, and…

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For Sale By Owner Costa Rica – Costa Rica MLS

Therefore, Our Costa Rica Home Specialist Rudy Matthews follows up on San Jose East Side specialist Patrick Mulheren’s last month For Sale by owner Costa Rica articles. These articles look at FSBO or not FSBO from a sellers’ perspective and from a buyers’ perspective. Rudy writes: I share with you comments that I hope will be informational and…

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